ESFJ, 2w3, 279
♍︎☉ , ♑︎☾ , ♒︎↑

hi! i'm key! i really like im@s, A3!, & AA/DGS. more interests here!
this account is rt heavy!

i probably won't follow back if you're >16 or if you're a love live! main / post about it often.

ootsuki yui enthusiast since 8/5/2016. I LOVE HER. she is everything to me. i will do anything for her

ccs! ootsuki yui, yoshimaru (A3), more!
ids! sherlock holmes, kiichi (A3), more!

comfort characters!

ootsuki yui, yoshimaru (& ikaruga misumi), kisaragi chihaya

amami haruka, mikotoba yuujin, c-ta

akabaneP, hershel layton, hinata hajime

yae sakura, higokumaru, fushimi yuzuru

i also really really really love jellyfish!

ids & kins!

sherlock holmes, kiichi, hoshii miki

a-ya, ichikawa hinana, elise

I'M SO SORRY, katrielle layton, pochi

maya fey, ootori emu, callie

more unlisted! sorry about some of these i'm sane i prommy

why are you gay

FAIUREHTEWAOITPJWAGAEFFKJFJDKSDSAOIRF SKY. RUI. C-TA. I LVEO YOU SOMUCH WITH ALL OF MY HEART i am so incredibly gay. thank you for always being here for me and taking care of me when i am a dumb little bitch i fucking love you so much you're everything (makes out with oyu)
we are the ca ruiemu skypaul real life ever wow so true. i love that for us banger tweet. anyways you make me so happy thank you for always going out of your way to help me with stuff and always staying by my side and supporting me no matter what, you mean the world to me...... thank you for everything. can we be silly and eat french fries together

Sorry for homosexuality